Give an account of Calvin’s sacramental theology

    Give an account of Calvin’s sacramental theology. How does his compare with Luther’s?

    This assignment is designed to assess your understanding of one of the key topics in the subject. The assignment is designed to allow you to:

    1. Demonstrate a depth and breadth of knowledge of key historical developments in sacramental theology.

    2. Critically evaluate the sacramental theology of various ancient and modern liturgical texts of baptism and/or the eucharist.

    3. Analyses critically recent theological developments on sacramental theology.

    4. References according to Chicago or APA styles.

    Essential/Prescribed texts
    Alasdair Heron, Table and Tradition: Towards and Ecumenical Understanding of the Sacraments (Edinburgh: The Handsel Press, 1983). Chapter 6

    McGrath, The Doctrine of the sacraments

    White, J. Reformation perspectives on Christian initiatives. In Documents of Christian worship. T&T Clark, Edinburgh, 1992, pp. 166-173.

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