Get to step into the shoes of mid-level management and the challenge of framing and articulating a new corporate-level policy


    In this assignment, you get to step into the shoes of mid-level management and the challenge of framing and articulating a new corporate-level policy. The ability to perform such a task clearly, completely, and concisely is a skill that is valuable at any level but essential in organizational communications. And, true to the nature of communications in technical organizations, audience assessment is a key part of this memo.

    Role and Audience

    You are: Gerald Garcia, in your capacity as Director, Administrative Operations
    Your audience is: all AVI employees

    As Gerald Garcia, Director of Administrative Operations, Charles Carey has given you a very visible assignment to write a 400-1000-word email/memo to all employees describing a new AVI archiving policy and any changes that go with the new policy. This is based on a three-month study commissioned by the Management Committee.

    Please find an email/memo format you like and use it, along with your AVI letterhead.
    Include at least one class, text, and outside reference.
    Refer to the References and Assignment formatting document in Module 2 if you have any questions about references.
    Things you might want to think about as you frame this memo: in addition to the technical and programmatic data that are probably foremost in your awareness, how about the archiving of non-technical data (other major corporate areas to be considered), off-site storage of critical data, and how long to hold onto data before destruction.
    Regarding off-site storage: if there is a disaster or corporate data compromise with the physical files and/or electronic files at the company’s place of business, there is a backup for truly essential data. And that backup isn’t on the premises. It could be physical storage elsewhere or it could be a cloud. It just shouldn’t be where it can be compromised by the same problems that could occur at the company’s main place of business and shouldn’t be on the same network.

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