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    I’m only responsible for the highlighted area…I am only to write 250 words for the highlighted area.

    Review the SWOT Analysis information located in Chs. 2 and 3 of the Strategic Management textbook, and additional University Library sources found on the Week 2 Electronic Reserve Readings page to see the types of information that companies or industries include.  

    Write a 250 word paper in which you address the following: 

    • Discuss the elements of a SWOT analysis.  What elements to all SWOT analyses have in common?  Why might some be different? 
    • Identify the elements the team considers most important and that would be included in a SWOT conducted by the team. Why were these chosen?
    • Explain the purpose of a SWOT analysis.  What are the alternatives?
    • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the SWOT analysis.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

    Here are the sources that are to be used.

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