Germany’s Stab-in-the-Back: Myth or History

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    Germany’s Stab-in-the-Back: Myth or History?


    This assignment will apply the concept of historiography in an essay that examines some

    controversial aspects of the First World War

    First you need to state in one  good paragraph the Author’s Main Arguments and mention the kind of source used eg. Primary or secondary source(s)

    1.Robin Prior and Trevor Wilson, “What Manner of Victory? Reflections on the

    Termination of the First World War,” Revue Internationaled’HistoireMilitaire

    72 (1990): 80-96.

    2. M.E. Occleshaw, “The ‘Stab in the Back’ – Myth or Reality?” Journal of the Royal

    United Services Institute for Defence Studies 130, no. 3 (1985): 49-54.

    3. Wilhelm Deist, “The Military Collapse of the German Empire: The Reality Behind the

    Stab-in-the-Back Myth,” War in History 3, no. 2 (1996): 186-207.


    Write a 6 -page essay in which you compare and evaluate the manner in which these articles

    approach the topic. In your essay, you should begin by clearly identifying and comparing the

    theses, or main arguments, presented in the selected articles.

    2.    Part II

    The remainder of your essay will then compare and evaluate the arguments presented by the authors,  commenting on the respective strengths and weaknesses of each article and the arguments being presented by their authors. As with any history paper, be sure to cite all references – Chicago Style.

    Questions to consider:

    1. Are the authors’ interpretations different?

    2. If so, how and why have they come to differing conclusions?

    3. What types of sources or references did they use?

    4. What is their methodology?

    5. What kind of audiences do the authors have in mind when they are writing?

    6. Do the three foregoing aspects of their work affect the interpretations they take and the

    conclusions they draw?

    7. Which of the two interpretations do you find the most persuasive and why? (This last point

    should be the focal point of your essay.)

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