German motives for intervening in the Yugoslavian Conflict, 1992

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    analyze the motives which prompted Germany to recognize the Croatian bid for independence during the secessionist crisis in Yugoslavia in 1992 (a topic my professor has approved).
    The essay instructions are that we focus only on one Great Power involved in the conflict. Hence, it is critical that this essay objectively analyzes Germany’s interests in recognizing Croatian independence from the point of view of Germany. The Croatian reasons for seeking independence from (as well as Serbian reasons for wanting to preserve the integrity of) Yugoslavia may be stated but should not be the focus of the paper; rather, the essay should critically analyze why Germany handled (or mishandled) the conflict the way it did (i.e. for security reasons, domestic opinion, etc.)
    Please note: the status quo typically presents a black and white picture when it comes to the Balkan crises of the 90′s. It is important that this essay is written as objectively as possible (i.e. avoids demonizing the Serbs, Croats or any other parties involved in the conflict).
    Our course syllabus states the essay is to be "10 pages, double-spaced with an introduction, main part, conclusion, and bibliography", but does not go into any detail regarding the essay topic. Hence, the essay is relatively open-ended. The essay requires sufficient primary source documents to be cited, however.
    I have copied the course description from our syllabus to give you a better idea regarding the content of the essay below:
    "This course deals with the history of international relations since the Great War, and examines major developments on the 20th century international stage, in which the Great Powers were heavily involved. We will explore the evolution of international system, the balance of power, and the strengths and weaknesses of each of the leading Powers."

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