Geology homework essay.

    Brochure criteria:

    Your geologic field guide should be in the form of a booklet/pamphlet for distribution to your site visitors. At a park or other location, many of your site visitors may not be as well educated in geology as yourself, so be sure to explain any terms you use as if the person has little geologic training.

    Your guide should be at least 3 pages in length and include the following:

    • A description of the location (as if someone were trying to travel to and/or locate the site). Anywhere in Southern CAlifornia.
    • A detailed description of the rock types present.
    • How the rocks present may have formed.
    • Summary of the geologic history of the area. This should include the relative sequence of events and any known absolute ages of the events. It should also describe paleogeography, plate tectonic setting, and a description of any fossils present and their significance. This can be in written form, or a drawing (created by yourself) or a combination of the two.
    • Outside sources of information are not required for the assignment but if you use anything as a source of information you must include a citation page of all outside resources that you used to create the guide. You may use either APA or MLA format, as long as it is consistent throughout the document. This page does not count towards the 3 page minimum.
    • Please include pictures, video, and or illustrations created by yourself. Cite all items borrowed and if items are yours, please cite yourself (photo by coug student).

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