GEOL – Meteorology and Space Science

    GEOL – Meteorology and Space Science
    Origins of Modern Astronomy

    1. Describe the geocentric theory of the universe held by many early Greeks
    2. Briefly list the astronomical contributions of the ancient Greek philosophers Aristotle, Aristarchus, Eratosthenes, and Hipparchus.
    3. Describe the Ptolemaic model of the universe.
    4. List the contributions to modern astronomy of Nicolaus Copernicus, Tycho Brahe, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and Sir Isaac Newton.
    5. Briefly summarize Kepler’s three laws.
    6. Describe the equatorial system for locating stars.
    7. List and describe the three primary motions of Earth.
    8. What are the phases of the moon and what does the moon look like in each?
    9. What are the two types of eclipses and what happens in each?
    Chapter 22 Reading Questions

    Touring our Solar System

    1. Describe the general characteristics of the two groups of planets in the solar system.
    2. List and describe the major features of the lunar surface.
    3. List the distinguishing features of each planet in the solar system. In other words, name the planet and give 2 or 3 features that distinguish it from the others.
    4. List and describe the minor members of the solar system.

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