Gender Study

    Gender Study
    Select one of the following questions, and answer with thorough reference to the unit readings. Please note that this assignment is designed to help you engage with the material set thus far, and to use it to analyse a contemporary cultural practice or example.

    1.“If sexual behaviour is more than just a conjunction of organs, if it is always shaped by the particular system within which it functions, and if it always includes a mix of socially defined feelings and meanings, behaviour is just as historically relative and constructed as identity” J.N. Katz [2004] p. 45

    Discuss, with reference to one or more contemporary sexual scripts or discourses. Analyse the specific meanings and/or roles implied by the scripts in question.

    2. How might the body of the child question notions of normative sexuality? How does thinking about children and bodies involve the simultaneous absence and presence of “sex”? Discuss, with reference to one or more recent examples.

    3. How are sexualized insults used to discipline masculinity and femininity? How do these insults differ with respect to different genders, and why? Discuss, with detailed reference to one or more recent examples.

    4. Discuss the constitutive effects of socio-medical categories (e.g. sexuality) in the film But I’m a Cheerleader (1999, dir. Babbit). Don’t assume anything about the characters’ ‘true sexual identity’. Discuss with reference to Simone de Beauvoir’s “The Girl”, from The Second Sex.


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