gender security and human rights

    Overall Essay Instructions: Choose one of the readings from class. Apply this reading to a case study, event or policy and argue whether your chosen case/event/policy supports or refutes the main argument of the reading. For example, you could choose Enloe’s reading on militarization and focus on the representation of asylum seekers in Australia. You might argue that the treatment of refugees has been militarized – (this is a very blunt/basic example – please don’t use it!)
    Essay Proposal Format instructions:
    1. Approximately 800 words. Please note that it is fine if you go over or under by 100 words. The word count INCLUDES the annotative bibliography.
    2. Please single-space and double side your printed work. Also, number the pages and *clearly indicate the word count at the end of the assignment.

    3. Please use the following headings in your proposal: Thesis Statement, Relevance, Annotative Bibliography

    Content instructions and grading details:
    1. Thesis statement/central argument: 20/100
    The thesis statement is your central argument. For this essay you are asked to agree or disagree with the central argument of one of the readings, and use a case study, event, or policy to illustrate your point. Your thesis statement should clearly articulate your main argument in relation to the reading. It may look something like this “Cynthia Enloe argues that militarization and military practices seep into everyday life; however, I argue that [chosen example] weakens this argument and instead illustrates that military practices are distinct and separate from civilian lives.” Or “The recent policy [x] claims to represent the rights of indigenous people, yet falls into the same patterns of ‘speaking for’ subjugated peoples that Mohanty talks about in [name of reading]” (obviously this is another blunt example – yours will be much more nuanced!).

    A thesis statement is NOT descriptive, general, or self-evident. Instead, it shows that you are taking a position on an issue/topic. The thesis statement will be worth 20% of the final grade in this assignment. You will be graded on whether the thesis makes a clear argument, whether it takes a stance in relation to one of the readings, whether the scope of the argument is appropriate for the final essay.

    2. Relevance: In 2-3 sentences, explain why your case/event or policy is relevant to the reading you have chosen to focus on. Try to relate the case/event/or policy to specific elements/concepts/arguments within the reading. 15/100

    2. An annotative bibliography of 10 relevant resources. 65/100
    This should include a balanced combination of book resources, journal, news, and online resources. This is not a random list of resources that loosely relate to your topic; rather, it is a selective list of resources that you can be confident will help you to support your thesis statement. You will be graded on the relevance of the resources to your thesis and the extent to which you have demonstrated focused research. In terms of format, you should list each resource and then include 2-3 sentences explaining the relevance of the resource to your topic and how this resource will help you support your thesis statement. For the final essay, you will add resources, but you should use all the resources you list in your proposal in your final essay.

    Here goes the tutorial reading. Make sure you follow the instructions above and let me know whether you can access these required readings .

    Required readings:
    Cynthia Enloe, How do they militarize a can of soup?, in Maneuvers: the
    international politics of militarizing women’s lives. University of California Press 2000

    Teresia K. Teaiwa, “Articulated Cultures: Militarism and Masculinities in Fiji during
    the Mid 1990s” Fijian Studies Vol. 3 No. 2

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