gender and inequality

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    AMST/GWST 310: Gender and Inequality in America



    Part I: Please write a paragraph each to explain the following opposing pairs and why they are conceptually important to feminist thinking about labor and inequality. (You will write three separate paragraphs, one for each pair.) Be sure to properly cite at least one written course text in each answer. Do not use any material from outside the course in your answers. Each answer is worth 5 points for a total of 15 points.

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    1. productive vs. reproductive labor
    2. public vs. private
    3. coercion vs. consent



    Part II: Please write a 1-1.5 page response to one of the following prompts. Be sure to properly cite at least twocourse texts in your answer. No more than one text can be a film. Your answer is worth 10 points.


    1. Why is sex trafficking so prevalent? Be sure to outline at least two explanations for its growth and presence on a global scale. What can be done about it?


    1. Domestic labor has to get done. Who does it now, why, and who do you think should do it?

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