Gas Prices to Gas Mileage

    Power point slide on How in a average car, gas mileage has gone up over the past year-Data Researched
    Its has to have 12 slides
    Hypothesis(clearly stated)
    Rationale(Explanation of why i picked the project topic)
    Data collection(clear description- method
    Data organized(how data was organized)
    Analysis Data( how it was analyzed)
    Display graphics of the data that are easy to understand and give the correct information to believe the findings
    Logical Findings based on the data analysis and data displays
    Discussion of next step
    A concluding “wow” factor item

    MA 185 Class Project Evaluation

    Date presentation given:
    Ranking of how well the project met the requirements on a scale of 1 to 4 where:
    1 – Did not meet
    2 – Somewhat met
    3 – Met
    4 – Exceptionally met
    Requirement Ranking Notes

    Clearly stated project question and/or hypothesis

    Explanation of project rationale (“why did you pick this topic?”)

    Clear description of data collection method

    Clear description of how data was organized

    Clear description of how data was analyzed

    Display graphics of the data that are easy to understand and give the audience the correct information to believe the findings

    Logical findings based on the data analysis and data displays

    Discussion of next steps

    A concluding “wow” factor item

    Minimal grammatical errors

    Articulate presentation of project to classmates

    Overall score (out of 44 points possible):



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