Gareth Morgan- Change agent or maverick

    Gareth Morgan- Change agent or maverick

    Gareth Morgan- Change agent or maverick? Discuss critically.

    Also refer to accompanying newspaper articles handed out in class.
    1. “Why does Gareth Morgan think he’s the cat’s pyjamas?” Sunday Star Times, 27 January
    2013, p. A7.
    2. “Morgan plays down his role – but won’t be changing his style.” Sunday Star Times, 27
    January 2013, p. B11.

    Other perhaps relevant references

    Morgan, J. & G. 2008. Under African Skies. Random House, New Zealand. ISBN 9781869419660.
    Morgan, J. & G. 2005. Silk Riders.

    Morgan, J. & G. 2006. Backblocks America.
    Morgan, G. Pension panic. Tough talk on your finances.
    Morgan, G. Kiwi Saver. How to keep your money safe in Kiwi Saver.

    This assignment is about your ability to identify characteristics and requirements of a change
    agent in change management occurring in a real life case. Your actions should be justified with
    sound reasoning and where necessary supported by theoretical and practical principles of change
    management. Your understanding of theory will be demonstrated in your ability to evaluate, integrate,
    synthesise and make deductions relevant to the context of entrepreneurship/ organisation growth and
    change as it is today


    This assignment should be written in an essay format. The grading allocation schedule for the question
    is presented.

    To be completed individually

    Based on your own analysis of Gareth Morgan, develop scenarios that addresses of the critical factors
    as outlined in the grading schedule.


    The front page of the report must contain the title page as laid out.

    Essay Format
    • Title Page
    • Executive summary of key findings and conclusions (1 page maximum –includes material from
    the group and individual).
    • References
    • Appendices

    Appendices: Attach any analytical worksheets or diagrams.
    Report Presentation: Grades will be adversely affected by poor format, citation, general layout,
    grammar, syntax, spelling and professional impact.

    The essay must be typed and properly referenced using the APA 5th Edition or later version. Your
    essay should be supported by relevant evidence from journal articles, textbooks, and supplementary
    information. Clearly state any assumptions you have made in this assignment.


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