Full Metal Jacket Move Review Assignment

    One of my objectives in this course is that you begin to see that Sociology is everywhere. Evidence of this notion is that it is possible to find sociological concepts in any movie. For each unit of this course, you will watch a related film and then choose three sociological concepts (from the current unit) to apply to the film. A list of relevant films will be provided for each unit.

    Your task, for this paper is to watch a film from the list provided and then relate it to three concepts from the current unit. You will then use examples from your movie to illustrate each of the three sociological concepts you have chosen.

    The purpose is to show me what you know about sociology. The following outline should serve as a starting point for you.

    I. Introduction – preview the intention and purpose of your paper
    II. Movie Summary – 1-2 original paragraphs
    III. Sociological concepts overview
    a. Concept one
    i. Explain the concept in your own words
    ii. Movie illustration
    b. Concept two
    i. Explain the concept in your own words
    ii. Movie illustration
    c. Concept three
    i. Explain the concept in your own words
    ii. Movie illustration
    IV. Conclusion
    What you liked/disliked
    How it furthered your knowledge of the topic

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