From the Spanish American War until the present why does the United States move from relative isolation into an international role and what are the consequences for U.S. society of that change?

    This is the question: From the Spanish American War until the present why does the United States move from relative isolation into an international role and what are the consequences for U.S. society of that change?

    Build on your first two papers. This is the two sentence thesis you must begin your paper with. Plug in YOUR argument or arguments but do so using these two sentences:

    From the time of the Spanish American war until the present, the United States went from relative isolation to increased global involvement because [plug in your argument]. The consequences on American society of that greater involvement were [plug in your argument]

    By now you will be familiar with the guidelines above. Your paper must begin with a direct explicit thesis answering this two part question the rules from the first two papers remain the same for this one. This paper should be from 9-18 pages, the cumulative work of all three papers.

    Most of reference for this paper should from the course website or textbook. Also the style requirement of paper can be found in the course paper.

    Since this paper needs to write based on my first two paper, i upload it later.

    Course website:
    Another course website: (this website need to access my online account, and you can find a lot primary resource for the paper)
    Essay Guidelines:

    Essay Instructions: Each essay must include a clear two senetence thesis statement that tells the reader directly what you intend to argue.

    Your paper should not simply restate the facts. A string of historical facts or statistical data does not constitute an argument. On the other hand, no paper is persuasive that does not offer evidence to support its claim. Do not assert your opinion, instead argue by using the evidence to support your thesis! That evidence should be primary sources but, for this class, you must also use the readings and lectures. You should appeal to reason. Consider counter-evidence and objections to your thesis and respond to them in advance. Imagine what an intelligent and informed classmate might say to challenge your argument.

    Grading: Each essay exam will be graded on a 0.0 – 4.0 scale. For grading purposes there is not a right or wrong argument. It does not matter if we agree with your argument or not. There are only good or bad arguments. A good argument is one in which you clearly state your thesis and argue it successfully from the evidence, using also the readings and lectures. Grades between 2.0 and 4.0 will do this. The lower end will be for those which are fuzzy and unclear in their argument, but which still have an effective argument using the evidence, readings and lectures. A paper which has an unclear thesis and an ineffective argument, which does not use the sources provided in this class and has little or no critical thought put forth will be graded from 0.0 to 2.0. Though you may know what you are trying to say, we do not know unless you make it clear. These essays are to enable us to understand what you have learned and to see if you can articulate those thoughts in a persuasive way to others. If your paper is unclear then you have not met that goal.

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