Fortune 500

    Please choose a Fortune 500 company and write a three to four page research paper in which you discuss asset-liability management (ALM). Make sure to look over the lecture material as well as the readings this week and answer the following questions.

    • In your own words describe what asset-liability management is and who is responsible for the five aspects of Asset-Liability Management: liquidity, interest rates, currency, funding of capital projects, and planning for profit and growth for the Fortune 500 company you have chosen?
    • Describe how management for this organization is responsible for mitigating these risks, and give an example of a strategy that may be used to mitigate a specific risk.
    • Be sure to include an introductory paragraph at the beginning and a concluding paragraph at the end of your paper.
    • Because your paper is required to be more than one page in length, you should use subject headings to label your paper as appropriate.
    • Keep in mind that this is a research paper; and, as such, should be informed by your research articles.

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