Fort what purposes of control was Indiana’s privatized social-services system created in the first place?

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    MGMT 3600
    December 03, 2013
    Case Study 3
    1.       Fort what purposes of control was Indiana’s privatized social-services system created in the first place?
    2.       In what areas of control was the new system supposed to improve the operations of the Family and Social Services Administration (FSSA)? In what ways did the new system affect the following levels of control of FSSA- (a) financial, (b) structural, and (c) strategic? Then focus on operations control: In what ways did IBM and ACS act to exercise preliminary control? Screening control? Postaction control?
    3.       In your opinion, how did the approach of IBM and ACS to bureaucratic control contribute to the collapse of the privatized system? In what ways might decentralization have improved its operations?
    4.       Refer to each of the characteristics of effective control in order to explain why the privatized social services system proved to be ineffective?

    5.       What was the state of Indiana’s FSSA before privatization?  How have things improved or gotten worse for Hoosier clients of FSSA now that the IBM era of the agency has ended?

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