forensic psychology

    Write a 10 page proposal describing a research study that you plan to complete and includes the following sections:

    Title Page



    1. A statement of the research topic.

    2. A statement of the research problem(s) and a summary of the prior literature.

    3. The purpose of the study.

    4. The research question(s).

    5. The hypotheses of the study (if applicable).


    1. Research participants and plan for recruitment.

    2. Measures.

    3. Procedures.

    Analysis Plan


    Grading: The proposal will be graded based on the degree to which each of the sections above are clearly articulated and to which appropriate methods are chosen. The most weight will be given to: identifying a researchable question, clearly articulating research questions, choosing appropriate methods for investigating these questions and accurate descriptions of the methods / design used. Least weight will be placed on the Analysis Plan section as this is likely to be a section that you will be less familiar with writing. I include the section here primarily because I would like you to attempt to write such a section and so that I can provide feedback.

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