foreign cultures

    foreign cultures
    dies Assignment Specifications

    The objective of this assignment is to explore a number of cross-cultural studies and find applications in current media reporting. In this assignment students will demonstrate:
    • Knowledge of cross-cultural study methodologies
    • Understanding of cross-cultural differences and similarities
    • Application of research findings to historical and current cultural ideas, actions and products

    Step One:
    Select three studies from Part III of Cross Cultural Analysis by Michael Minkov. You will need to read and analyze each study.
    Write an introduction to your report that explains the rationale you used to select your studies.
    Step Two:
    Determine what cultural variables are the focus of each study.
    Write a section in your report that summarizes each study and explains the specific findings of each cultural variable under study.
    Step Three:
    You are to search leading international media sources (Newsweek, Time, U.S. News and World Report, etc.). Obscure online media sources are not appropriate. You want to find a source that reports news that can be confirmed. You want to use a source that has an international coverage.
    Write a section of your report that provides an application of research findings to current national/cultural experiences.
    Step Four:
    Write an introduction that tells the reader what you have learned and written in the following report. Your introduction should frame your report for the reader, provide a basic introduction to cultural studies and explain why and how the cultural research in your report was conducted.
    Write a conclusion that summarizes for the reader all that you have learned and reported in the preceding report.




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