For this project, you will select a controversial issue to analyze Custom Essay

    For this project, you will select a controversial issue to analyze. Please note, however, that this assignment

    is not a research paper on the controversial issue itself, but rather an evaluation of the coverage of the topic.

    The Portfolio Project is designed to

    •A) assess your understanding of how to analyze information based on the principles of strong critical thinking,

    •B) evaluate your ability to write an argumentative essay that is logical, valid, and credible.
    Again, our goal here is an analysis of how the information is presented, not a review of the issue itself.


    1.Select a controversial issue. The issue may be national, international, or regional in nature, but it must have

    clear differences in values with rival causes for and against the issue.
    2.In order to best research and explain the controversial issue, locate at least four different news articles

    from four different media sources. Compare the articles to determine the facts presented and note any biases.
    3.In addition to the four news articles, locate at least two scholarly articles from the CSU-Global Library on

    your chosen issue OR on media bias or another topic pertaining to the coverage of controversial issues. (NOTE:

    The scholarly articles you use will depend on the controversial issue you have chosen to study.)
    4.Keep in mind the following eight key questions that you should use in evaluating any problem that has been

    ◦a. Purpose: What is the purpose of the problem or issue? Is the purpose of the problem clearly stated and

    ◦b. Question: Is the question clear and unbiased? Are the purpose and question relevant to one another in the

    solution that is presented?
    ◦c. Information: Is there relevant and accurate evidence and information cited for the problem? Does the solution

    consider the complexity of issues?
    ◦d. Concepts: Are the concepts clearly defined and understood to be objective?
    ◦e. Assumptions: Are questionable assumptions clarified? Are these assumptions biased?
    ◦f. Inferences: Is there an explanation of the reasoning skills used to determine how the solution is reached?
    ◦g. Point of View: Are multiple points of view considered and analyzed in reaching the solution?
    ◦h. Implications: Is there an understanding and consideration of the consequences of the solution?
    5.You will also want to incorporate terms and concepts from the class content pages and module readings. When

    analyzing and researching your sources, other guiding questions to ask yourself include:
    ◦What are the issues, the reasons, and the conclusions?
    ◦What do the words mean?
    ◦How have the assumptions been made?
    ◦Is the evidence reliable, and why or why not?
    ◦When are numbers informative?
    ◦Where are the rival causes?
    6. Your paper must:
    ◦cite at least six sources (but feel free to cite more): four newspaper articles and two scholarly articles. Do

    not use the textbook.
    ◦incorporate terms and concepts from the class readings and lecture pages
    ◦be 8-10 pages in length, not including the reference page
    ◦include a reference page (which does not count toward the page requirement)
    ◦be formatted according to the APA Requirements.
    7.Keep in mind there are the following preliminary deliverables throughout the course that will go toward

    completing your project:
    ◦Week 4: Submit Portfolio Topic (worth 20 points to final portfolio score)
    ◦Week 4: Critical Thinking Activity: Peer Discussion on Portfolio Topic (50 points)
    ◦Week 6: Submit Portfolio Outline (worth 20 points to final portfolio score)
    ◦Week 7: Peer Discussion on Portfolio Outlines (worth 50 points to final portfolio score)
    Refer to the Portfolio Project grading rubric found under Course Information to understand how you will be


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