For this project, you will be working with the product development team at PiggyBank

    For this project, you will be working with the product development team at PiggyBank. The bank has decided to offer a new credit card that offers incentives for certain kinds of transactions, but it cannot decide which types of transactions should earn incentives. The bank has come to Information Experts to see if it can help with making the business decision.

    PiggyBank is interested in hiring Information Experts, but its product development team is unsure of the value of statistics or how statistics can help them make a business decision in their specific situation. To help convince PiggyBank to use Information Experts, your boss would like you to put together a short presentation that consists of three slides with speaking notes. The first slide should explain how statistical tools can be valuable to a business. The second slide should provide specific examples where businesses can effectively use statistical tools. For the last slide, create a list of research questions that apply to PiggyBank’s situation. By research questions, your boss means questions about which you could conduct research and develop results that would help PiggyBank make a business decision about the credit card incentives. Use the links below to help generate ideas for research questions. Also, generate research question ideas by conducting research on the Library and the Internet to find information about spending trends.

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