for michael smith 6

    General instructions :
    1. Read the QUESTION carefully & answer clearly by covering all the important aspects given below. Use pictures and words to describe products.
    2. The question needs to be answered in detail using information and pictures from reliable sources.
    3. Make a detailed report (upto12 / 15 pages) with appropriate use of English language grammar font style alignment formatting and spacing.
    4. Provide necessary references (APA Style) to the information provided in your report (i.e. the website link etc.).
    5. Projects will not be graded if they found to be the same with respect to
    content analysis results and pictures -check the rules for plagiarism stated above.
    1. Select any ONE- INTERNATIONAL COMPANY and make a detailed study of its INTERNATIONAL MARKETING
    The important aspects to be included & discussed in the project are as follows:
    1.1 Introduction about the company-brief history. (CS 2) (5 Marks)
    1.2 The companys mission statement or overriding objective (IT 3) (2.5 Marks)
    1.3 The companys organizational structure (IT 3) (2.5 Marks)
    1.4 Describe the products of that company and its nature (AS 2) (2.5 Marks)
    1.5 In which nations does it produces and market its products?
    (AS 2) (2.5 Marks)
    1.6 Discuss any two types of international strategy the company seems to follow (AS 3) (5Marks)
    1.7 Discuss the strength & weakness analysis of the company briefly
    (IT 4)(10 Marks)
    1.8 Discuss any 2 advertisements made by the company in order to promote its products and to attract its customer.(IT 3) (10 Marks)
    1.9 Find out the failure products of that company in the market during the past year or two? Justify.(AS 3) (5 Marks)
    1.10 Are those products later improved or developed? Justify clearly.
    (AS 4) (5 Marks)
    1.11 What are the new innovations of the company to attract customers for the past year or two?(AS 4) (5 Marks)
    1.12 Your comments and suggestions for the companys broader scope marketing improvement in five valid points. (E 3) (5 Marks)
    1.13 Integrate your findings into your report with references research.
    (IT 2) (5 Marks)

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