**For Kim Woods Only** 14

    Post 1
    The best type of culture that fits this scenario is the clan culture. The clan culture is important to produce a team up to its full capacity this ensuring the overall goal can be satisfied by each team member playing a crucial role to the mission. This also establishes an environment in which employees and assistants feel they have played a positive role in the processes they have helped introduce into the business. Success is the ultimate goal of most everyone in the process within this type of culture.
    Organizationalculture is a way of values opportunities beliefs and importance people provide to the organization. Organizational effectiveness relies on the culture within the organization. The learning and business environment within an organization sets the tone for the overall health and wellbeing of individuals and how they perform within the business. When strong values and integrity is practiced within an organization the more apt all employees are encouraged to perform strong within their job duties.
    I felt the clan culture was important above all others because it lets the assistants and the employees feel like they have a hand in the pot of the business as they are free to come up with new ideas to make the organization a better place. Free flowing ideas can help improve current processes or invent new ones that can be added to help better a business.
    Reference For Business. (2017). ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. Retrieved June 22 2017 fromhttp://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ob-Or/Organizational-Culture.html
    Post 2
    The type of organizational culture that would work best for LLB is a clan culture as described by Ocai-online.com in Organizational Culture Types. The clan culture fits LLB since their leadership is comprised of family which is comfortable and the workers share simalarities (Organizational Culture Types n.d. para. 1). It even goes so far as to describe this environment as where The leaders or the executives are seen as mentors or maybe even as father figures (Organizational Culture Types n.d. para. 1). Having Joseph in overseeing the company as father to many of the employees emphasizes the benefits of this culture at LLB. This will enhance the company as they are bonded by their family ties.
    Referenceforbusiness.com defines organizational culture as The shared assumptions values and beliefs that guide the actions of its members (Organizational Culture n.d. para. 3). Just as a community or a nation carries a set a values independent of the singular people that make up that group an organizational culture is a common guidance that drives the atmosphere of the company. It relates to organizational structure because the type of structure must coincide with the culture that the company carries. At LLB a structure of complete independence or absolution would not work with a clan culture as everyone must get along both as a team and in following direction.
    As stated before I chose clan culture since the companys leadership is mainly comprised of family and that bond matches with clan culture as well as LLB efforts to be company that serves all members of a family. LLBs family leadership will almost always be willing to share ideas and advice and that environment would not work with a very strict culture nor would their set roles and decisions work with a culture of complete freedom.
    ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE. (n.d.). Retrieved June 21 2017 from http://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Ob-Or/Organizational-Culture.html
    Organizational Culture Types. (n.d.). Retrieved June 21 2017 from https://www.ocai-online.com/about-the-Organizational-Culture-Assessment-Instrument-OCAI/Organizational-Culture-Types

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