For Daniel Johnson. 1

    Using the response template and thread below Unethical activity of bribery provide a personal reply to the thread adding additional thought and advancing the conversation. Your reply can be in personal tense I you we etc. Add only new thought and do not simple restate what the post already says.
    200 to 300 words (no more and no less title page and reference page not counted in word count)
    Sources: (must use APA 6th Edition Style)
    2 Scholarly Journal that is peer reviewed (must have online link available). Use of TEXT BOOKS or COURSE BOOKS of any type is not authorized.
    1 reputable business magazine (must be a periodical must be current must provide online link)
    1 Biblical quote. (Must be relevant and used in the conclusion. Use N
    Template: (Use this template for the reply)
    Hi Corey. Thank you for your post on E-Commerce. Read the post below and respond. Do you agree disagree why why not? dd more to intro. (use this as the intro)
    Analytical Discussion
    Provide new ideas research and analysis that create a clear dialogue with the ideas in the thread you are responding to. Provide some examples of real business cases.
    Wrap up and provide Biblical scripture to back up your argument.
    2 Scholarly Journals that are peer reviewed (must have online link available) Use of TEXT BOOKS or COURSE BOOKS of any type is not authorized.
    1 reputable business magazine (must be a periodical must be current)
    1 Biblical quote. Must be relevant and used in the conclusion
    Respond to this question and thread
    Should all businesses venture into e-commerce or is it better for only certain types of businesses? E-Commerce
    As e-commerce flourishes in the age of the internet consumers can now purchase almost anything online due to the recent technological revolution. E-commerce has transformed many peoples lifestyle by assisting in traversing geographical barriers while also eliminating time spent shopping in person. Online shopping sites such as or even allows for almost any item to be bought through an electronic platform. With such an eruption of possibilities many retailers moved the battlefield for customers into the virtual online world. Online e-retailers can be sorted into two broad categories the titans who possess vast amounts of investors and desire substantial profits and the dwarfs who have minimal numbers of investors and desire less in overall profits (Jianya & Weigang 2016). The overall success of this reasonably recent distribution channel appears to be reliant upon the supply-chain performance from the merchant to the delivery service utilized to transport the product. If an issue occurs during any one of these steps like an item is suddenly out-of-stock or there is a price spike it could have a negative impact on customer satisfaction with the retailers performance. Fortunately businesses can also use their electronic platform to educate and connect with the public through its social media channels if an issue does arise (Fischer n.d.).
    Business Applications
    With the development of the online marketplace the sheer volume of differing attitudes and levels of expertise gained by organizations has grown. This creates the ability for the development of a united reactive and proficient software design to be more difficult especially for small retailers that would like to establish an e-commerce channel to go along with their conventional business (Jianya & Weigang 2016). Even with the development of technology such as the cloud a deep interpretation of the technical and design characteristics of how it functions is still required by the merchant and the consumer. The diverse needs each of each consumer is a challenge that must be addressed. If an e-commerce website is too reliant on technology some consumers may choose to shop elsewhere. Furthermore with these technological advancements other consumers may shift their expectations away from an old-fashioned 20th century web page design to a fully-functioning application that is available on their mobile device. According to one study 56% of the citizens of the European Union purchased goods using e-commerce in 2015 (Aulkemeier Schramm Iacob & Hillegersberg 2016).
    Many items such as televisions or even a new suit can be purchased through an electronic platform. But there is one area of an average consumers shopping need that has been lagging in the e-commerce world and that need is shopping for groceries. Perishable staples such as milk eggs and cheese for example would appear not suitable for online purchase and delivery. However in the UK this issue has been tackled and a resolution has been created to handle perishable items when ordered online. Consumers can order within a certain timeframe for delivery in a future time slot for instance a one to two-hour window when they will be home in the evening and then pay a small surcharge for this comfort (Salter 2014). Scripture states in Heb 3:4 (ESV) For every house is built by someone but the builder of all things is God. While its safe to assume that author of the book of Hebrews wasnt envisioning Cyber Monday when writing all things God most certainly knew what the future held. E-commerce has come a long way in a relatively short time-frame and from filling a prescription online to booking a vacation it appears that every facet of business can benefit from conducting business electronically. One thing is certain these in person and online shopping occurrences will continue to provide many opportunities for retailers in the future to mesh their organization with technology.

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