For Ann Harris 18

    Assignment Overview
    Type:Individual Project
    Unit:Capital Budgeting
    Due Date:Wed 6/7/17
    Grading Type:Numeric
    Points Possible:150
    Points Earned:0
    Deliverable Length:2 submissions: 1 Excel spreadsheet and 1 paper of 17502000 words
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    Assignment Details
    Assignment Description
    Part 1
    The President of EEC recently called a meeting to announce that one of the firms largest suppliers of component parts has approached EEC about a possible purchase of the supplier. The President has requested that you and your staff analyze the feasibility of acquiring this supplier. Discuss the following:
    Part 2
    Based on the following information calculate net present value (NPV) internal rate of return (IRR) and payback for the investment opportunity:
    Answer the following:
    Prepare a memo to the President of EEC that details your findings and shows the effects if any of the following situations are true:
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