Food Safety

    Review food safety scenarios and answer questions in relation to Food Safety.

    Consult the Food Safety Scenarios document and then complete the following for each scenario:

    Scenario 1

    • Write at least 50-word responses to each of the following questions. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and explain your answers using specific examples.
      • Based on Scenario 1, what are the possible sources of food-borne illness?
      • Although Jeremiah did not get sick, there were several areas throughout Jeremiah’s day that could have led him to a serious case of food-borne illness. Point out these areas and briefly explain why they are of concern and what Jeremiah could have done differently.
      • Why is it safe for steak to be pink in the middle, but potentially dangerous for a hamburger not to be cooked all the way through?

    Scenario 2

    • Write at least 50-word responses to each of the following questions. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and explain your answers using specific examples.
    • How could this illness have been prevented?
    • Based on the incubation period and symptoms of the illness, what is the most likely microorganism responsible for this illness?
    • Describe the temperature danger zone.
    • How could Martha have sped up the cooling process of the lasagna?
    • If the leftover lasagna was thoroughly reheated, (which it was), how did it still lead to food-borne illness?

    Scenario 3

    • Write at least 50-word responses to each of the following questions. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and explain your answers using specific examples.
    • What could be the cause of Sally and her family members’ illness?
    • How could this illness have been prevented?

    The Grading Guide for Food Safety will be used for this assignment.

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