The Effect of Trends in Food Safety on Food Regulation
    Recently, it was disclosed that contaminated Chinese wheat gluten was sent to many pet food manufacturers in
    Canada and the United States. In light of this significant problem and consideration of the new developments
    in food safety regulation in many countries during the 1990s, do you believe that more stringent standards for
    the importation of food products to the United States is warranted? Please review the first eight pages of the
    following preliminary report titled ?Trends in Food Safety Regulations and Their Impact on Trade Disputes?.
    Non-Potentially Hazardous Foods ? Standard
    When NSF developed a standard for non-potentially hazardous it marked a milestone, so to speak, that so many
    foods previously considered a non-PHF were seriously implicated in the transmission of FBI. It became more
    useful to know which foods are NPHF than which ones were PHF. DO you believe that NSF/ANSI 75-2000 standard
    was necessary given that almost all food safety programs are based on the ability of food workers/managers to
    identify and control specific PHFs?

    Barriers to Improving Housing Conditions
    This was published in the AJPH in 2002: ?Poor housing conditions are associated with a wide range of health
    conditions, including respiratory infections, asthma, lead poisoning, injuries and mental health. Addressing
    housing issues offers public health practitioners an opportunity to address an important social determinant of
    health. Public health has long been involved in housing issues. In the 19th century, health officials targeted
    poor sanitation, crowding and inadequate ventilation to reduce infectious diseases as well as fire hazards to
    decrease injuries. Today, public health departments can employ multiple strategies to improve housing, such as
    developing and enforcing housing guidelines and codes, implementing ?Healthy Homes? programs to improve indoor
    environmental quality, assessing housing conditions and advocating for healthy, affordable housing. Now is the
    time for public health to create healthier homes by confronting substandard housing. (Am J Public Health.
    2002; 92:758-768)?. I think that most of us as practicing professionals concur with this statement. (If you
    disagree with the statement please present your opinion in the discussion to follow.) However, there are
    severe problems and limitations that impact the ability of government (local, State and Federal) to build and
    develop improved housing for all. Please present at least one limitation and suggest how it may be overcome by
    society in the United States. (URL for Article is
    Exempting Affordable Housing Projects from County Development
    Several cities have considered exempting affordable housing projects from zoning, construction standards and
    other county development regulations. Some cities generally used the exemption program to serve households
    that are most in need of affordable housing. In this case, exemptions are used for government sponsored or
    refinanced housing projects, but not for projects by private for-profit developers. Exemptions are used
    somewhat more often for multi-family projects to permit an increase in density, reduce costs and development
    time and for single family projects to accelerate development of undeveloped land. A recent history of such
    exemptions has found that land use changes proposed in the exemptions have generally not been controversial.
    It appears, in most cases, that the public has been willing to set aside a City?s land use policies for
    affordable housing, even though the projects often accelerate the urbanization of undeveloped land. Given the
    lack of controversy over the deviations from land use policies permitted by the exemption program, should
    affordable housing be permitted in every land use district? Does a relaxation of construction standards lead
    to an increase in health risks to the tenants of such projects?

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