Food And The Harvest

    Plan to write ~5 paragraphs for essay, or approximately 600-800 words. Each essay requires discussion of 3 examples (if you’re not using course content-based examples, you’ll quickly lose points). Use diverse examples from different readings. Prove to me you know and understand the content by using extremely specific examples from the readings, and by backing them up with your own analysis. Be sure you’re answering the final “why does this matter” questions at the tail end of the essay! 


    Deer camp as described by Mert Cowley highlights many of the social aspects of harvesting and growing food. Using the example of deer camp and two additional examples from the readings, discuss how food builds community and a social identity for groups of people. How do people create foodways, and foodways create people?


    reading attachments are:



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    Tsyunhehkw^, Oneida Nation, Wisconsin

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    Gage, Cully. A Northwoods Reader. Excerpts. Marquette: Avery Color Studios.



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    Cowley, Mert. 1993. Camp Foolishness. In Camps of Orange: Poetic Tales of Deer Hunting

    from the Pearly Swamp Camp. Chetek, WI: Banksiana Publishing Co. 97-125. 



    attachment #3


    Hufford, Mary. “American Ginseng and the Idea of the Commons.” The Food and Folklore

    Reader: 409-419.



    attachment #4


    Wisconsin Public Television. “Indian Summer & Wild Rice Harvest.” Wisconsin Foodie.
    Hoover, Elizabeth M. “Tsyunhehkw^, Oneida Nation, Wisconsin.”



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    Tsyunhehkw^, Oneida Nation, Wisconsin

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