Focus on your Favorite Instrument Custom Paper

    This assignment gives you the opportunity to learn more about one specific instrument of your choice, and explore in greater depth one piece specifically written for it. You may choose any traditional orchestral or band instrument, any keyboard instrument, or even the guitar. If you are particularly adventurous, you might consider an instrument from world music cultures, such as the Indian sitar, or the Japanese koto. Your finished assignment should be the equivalent of at least 3 typewritten pages, double-spaced, 12-pt. font. You must have at least three web sources (no Wikipedia!) for at least the historical part of your research. Include them at the end. You will be graded both on content and technique. Include the following categories: History of the instrument One famous performer or group that uses the instrument, either currently living, or historical. Include some background information about this performer. Choose one piece that was specifically written for this instrument. You may discuss any piece presented in the course, if you wish, or find one that fits your particular instrument. Describe the piece using some of the terminology you’ve been studying in Section 3: The Organizing Elements of Sound. For example, what is the tempo of the piece? How would you describe the melody, the rhythmic patterns, or the harmony? You do not have to address every single element, but aim for specificity and to bring the music to life through your words. You should be able to go further in your musical description now then you did in Assignment #1. Don’t forget the web sources at the end!

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