First Nations Ethnozoology

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    First Nations Ethnozoology

    My animal choice is BISON and its relationship to Native Americans people. Why because they relied so heavily on it for so many things — Sustainance.

    Simple Instuctions:

    The animal you pick should have a specific role and purpose to First Nations Culture

    should have Introduction- body- conclusion ( headings are very important)

    references, proper APA citation


    Teacher’s Instuctions:

    First Nations Ethnozoology Paper Guidelines

    1) First, you will need to select an animal, from North, Central or South America that

    is of interest to you. In an Introduction, write why this is the case and what

    question or questions you will address in relation to this being.

    2) You next section will have to cover its zoology, and then have another following section of its First Nations/Native American/Indigenous cultural use, role, and meaning and how it

    was managed – presently and historically.

    3) Lastly, you should have a discussion/conclusion section on what

    is the current state of this animal in terms of range, population, and cultural use,

    conservation efforts and of course answer your question(s).


    You must include a title page with the title of your paper, your name and student

    number along with the course number and title. You paper must be 12-point

    standard font, with standard page margins, double-spaced with a well-known

    style of referencing. Your paper needs to be 8-10 pages long- this does not

    include the title page or your references! Do not put a page number on your title

    page! Feel free to use maps, figures and or tables to help describe and explain

    information in your paper. However, you must make sure these are properly

    linked in your text and have your figures and or tables numbered in proper


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