Find at least three food or commercial products made by microorganisms. If the product meets the preceding criteria,

    Find at least three food or commercial products made by microorganisms. If the product meets the preceding criteria, it will either state the scientific name of the microorganism that generated it, or it will contain the word culture, fermented, or brewed.


    Once you have chosen your three products, library and do some research into the history of how these products were made. Have they always been made using microorganisms?

    If not, then what are the advantages of using microorganisms compared to the original way they were made? If they have always been made by using microorganisms, then what are the risks of this method and is there research into reducing these risks?  I’d like you to use at least one primary and one secondary resource, and you may use any database in the Excelsior College Library.

    Once you have completed your research, post your findings to this discussion forum.  Be sure to include a description of the three products you chose, stating what they are and what microorganism and/or microorganism-related process generated them.


    Module 1

    Before beginning this discussion, please go to the video play list, BIO212_Module1_Activity3, by clicking on the following link:


    Once there, watch the videos listed. These videos introduce you to some of the major challenges facing scientists and doctors as they try to combat emerging, highly infectious, and resistant microbes.

    When you watch the videos, make note of instances where the increased use of certain aseptic techniques and/or other human interventions or actions has actually led to a higher incidence of diseases resistant to current treatments or the emergence of infectious agents never seen before.


    1. In your discussion post, describe two instances of increased disease and the underlying causes. Explain how you think the medical and scientific community should respond

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