Financial Market Analysis

    Financial Viability 

    Assess the financial viability of the two companies given above by performing a company and security analysis to determine if the stocks are over-valued or under-valued based on information gathered from: 


     P/E Ratio = stock price/ EPS 

    PEG Ratio = PE Ratio/ Earnings Growth Rate 

    Growth Rate = (Current EPS/ Last EPS) -1 X 100

    1. Salada Foods Ltd 

    2. Seprod Ltd 

    a) The stocks price-earnings ratio           

    b) The Price-Earnings Growth ratio           

    c) The interest rate of the country           

    d) Market capitalization to GDP 

    Note: What is the market capitalization of Jamaica stock exchange as it is now. If you cannot find information on 2022 use the near year. Research what is the GDP of Jamaica to do the calculations. 

    Formula for calculation: Market capitalization divided by Jamaica GDP.           

    e) The companys activities, and revenues and profits generated.

    NOTE: Review the companys earning per shares. Indicate what is happening in each companys generated revenue 

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