Finance and Trading

    This is a research proposal for my Master degree dissertation. This proposal is based on the Foreign Exchange trading successfully (profitably). There is a study shows that 80 to 95% of the foreign exchange traders will fail due to several reasons. I am going to do an empirical research on several trading systems and explore the possible option to succeed in the foreign exchange (Forex) trading.

    This proposal is to highlight the dissertation methodology, theory, research, study, timeline of my proposed dissertation.

    4000 to 5000 words Research proposal. This is a proposal not an essay. Avoid too many internet references.
    Major work elements are: literature review; design issue and collection of questionnaire/interview data; transcription of interviews; data analyses; relate results to current theory; write first draft; proof read and corrections; binding and final submission). Suggest use of tables and/or Gantt chart.

    Does the topic, contain issues with clear links to theory? Are the research questions and objectives clearly stated
    Will the proposed research provide fresh insights into the topic? Does the research topic match your career goals?

    Objects and events – Activity


    What objects / events are you going to choose for your proposal / dissertation?
    1. What is your object/event?

    2. Why is it a good choice?

    3. Why might it be a poor choice?

    4. Will you be able to access primary data?

    5. What is your theoretical base?

    Types of research philosophy that you are going to use… in your research

    • Positivism

    • Interpretive

    • Constructivism

    • Pragmatism

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