Finance and Accounting

    Finance and Accounting


    Causes for the 2007-2008 Subprime Mortgage Crisis; the role of mortgage-backed securities on the bank leverage
    Causes for the 2007-2008
    Subprime Mortgage Crisis; the role of mortgage-backed securities on the bank leverage
    General Requirements:
    Need native wrtiter!!!
    No need to write the literature review, just focus on the Methodology, Main Body (results and analysis), and maybe the Appendix (if necessary) of the dissertation. Below are the main areas should be included in the dissertation:
    1. Describe the main cause and effects of the 2008 Subprime Mortgage Crisis
    2. Aims to provide an understanding of how the subprime mortgage lending and securitization played a part in bringing about the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in 2007-2008
    3. Using Lehman Brothers and Northern Rock as the case studies which can explain the Subprime Mortgage Crisis in more details
    4. Using some descriptive data and housing price index data for analysis the cause of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis
    5. Using academic book or academic journal/paper as references
    Below are the requirements that the writer should be meet:
    Research Methodology – A description of the research methodology adopted which explains the research rationale (why?, What?, when?, how?, who is involved?). For example in respect of questionnaires or interviews:
    • Explain your reasons for choosing this methodology rather and some other approach, including the pros and cons of the approach adopted.
    • Explain the rationale for the questions asked relating this to your literature review, reasons for the questionnaire structure adopted (multiple choice, Likert scales etc). Provide a complete list of questions either in the text or in an Appendix.
    • Explain who was involved, how and why they were selected.
    • Explain how data is to be analysed.
    • Consider ethical issues.
    Results and analysis – present results in as complete, clear and helpful way as possible. Provide critical commentary on the quality of responses and the reliability/limitations of findings.
    Discussion of implications – relate your findings back to the literature review, discussing similarities and differences. Explain the implications of your findings for managers and decision makers.



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