Finance and Accounting

    Finance and Accounting
    Organizational Tax Research and Planning – Tax Reform

    Assume you are a CPA and are hired by an elected official to recommend changes to the current tax code related to corporate taxes.
    Using the Internet or internet databases, conduct research on the current congressional proposals related to federal corporate taxation.
    Write a four to eight page paper in which you:
    1. Based on your research, assess which proposal you believe to be the most viable and financially attractive proposal for U.S. corporate taxpayers indicating how this proposal could be implemented. Provide support for your rationale.
    2. Explore the impact to corporations and the US economy if U.S. companies could repatriate foreign profits earned without incurring a federal tax liability. Provide support for your rationale.
    3. Based on your research, which corporate taxes would you propose to eliminate and why?
    4. Determine the impact, positive or negative, that your proposed eliminations would have on corporations and the economy. Provide evidence to support your position.
    5. Propose an alternative tax method for corporations and demonstrate how your proposed changes would be beneficial to corporate taxpayers compared to the current system for both corporations and the economy. Provide support for your rationale.

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