
    Parts of and explanation of subjects of the final report

    · A title page (the cover), provided with

    · Title

    · name of graduate, student number,

    · name of 1st examiner

    · possibly 'confidential'

    · company name

    · A table of contents with reference to page number and attachments.

    · A source list According to APA/IEEE (this usually comes after the content part nrs. 1-5)

    · And the following chapters/sections:

    1. Introduction (approx. 2 pages)

    a. The original assignment is the end result (the goal and the approach)

    i. Accountability method: based on logbook

    ii. Accountability level professional tasks

    b. Review progress:

    i. Feedback with PVA and accountability of (hours) planning

    ii. Accountability for changes in planning.

    2. Explanation of professional tasks performed/the working method (approx. 10 pages) with 'evidence in appendices'

    a. Explanation of ICT methods used

    b. Explanation of investigative ability:

    i. how what was researched/selected?

    ii. what knowledge and resources do you use?

    iii. Why used these sources, what applied to them?

    c. Explanation of used tooling

    d. Explanation of choices made during the implementation phase.

    3. Explanation of quality criteria (approx. 1-1½ page)

    a. Explanation of the end result: based on predetermined quality criteria

    b. Explanation of deviating quality criteria

    4. If applicable: ethical section (approx. ½ page)

    5. Any recommendations (approx. ½ page)

    6. Mandatory Attachment: Logbook

    7. Underlying documents of the realized professional product (as appendices), such as:

    a. functional design

    b. technical design

    c. Poc (Microsoft Sentinel in my case)

    d. Code

    e. Test scripts

    f. User stories

    g. Models/organograms etc.

    h. Architecture

    i. class diagrams

    j. Etc…

    Use diagrams, figures and graphs. This increases readability and transparency.

    The report must be readable and understandable by readers with at least a HBO (Higher Vocational Education ) ICT background. The structure must be logical and visible. The text is spelled correctly according to the guidelines of general Dutch/English. The document is neatly and attractively formatted.

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