Final Research paper on topic “The Role of Network Administrators in the Detection of Malicious Activities”

    Final Research paper on topic “The Role of Network Administrators in the Detection of Malicious Activities”

    Subject: Business Network Systems Management – 03478 – Sp22

    Book: The-practice-of-system-and-network-administration-volume-1, 3rd-edition,

          Author: Thomas A. LimoncelliChristina J. HoganStrata R. Chalup

    Important Notes:


    ** The final paper will need to be 8-10 full pages long (double-spaced, 12 pt font, 1″ margins, EXCLUDING graphics, cover page, bibliography, tables, appendices, extra white space, and any other non-textual content). 

    ** The page length calculation of your submitted work will include just the body of the paper without graphics, etc. formatted according to the specified guidelines. 

    ** You will need to include at least 6 authoritative references. At least 3 of those references must be from peer-reviewed articles or other published authoritative texts. You are also limited to 3 direct quotes of no more than 2 sentences each within the body of the paper. 

    ** The paper should expand upon the information presented in the textbooks, not just rehash the same material.  

    ** The papers will also be submitted to a plagiarism detection application to verify that the work submitted is original. 

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