Final Project Proposal and Project Presentation 1

    For the final part of your course project you will create a presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint (approximately 10 to 15 slides) of the project you have compiled over the past 4 modules. The presentation should be an overview of the information contained in the project plan. The Final Project PowerPoint presentation should include the synopsis of the following:
    Although your report will include some discussion of the technical nature of the study project that discussion should be brief and only to provide background about the project. Similarly avoid lengthy discussion about the histories or backgrounds of companies involved in the project.
    The emphasis of the report must be on the how what why when who of the management of the Investigation Project. Avoid lengthy technical discussions or lengthy discussion about the company history technical requirements or details of the actual work done in the project. These are not project management topics.
    The purpose of the report is to show the instructor what you have learned from the investigation project about project management. Thus avoid discussions that could lead to the conclusion that little or nothing additional about project management was learned from the investigation project!
    Also make sure to include the following at the end of the proposal:
    Your submission should follow the essentials of APA (i.e. cover page double-spaced 12 pt. font reference section at the end in-text citations etc.).
    Save your PowerPoint presentation as a Microsoft PowerPoint file.
    Save your report as a Microsoft Word document.

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