Final paper

    1. Strategies for managing e-waste safely include the following, except: (Points: 1)


    State legislative efforts to manage e-waste

    Consumer fees to pay for the expansion of e-waste recycling facilities

    Expanding existing municipal waste services to accept e-waste

    2. This law targets abandoned hazardous waste sites for cleanup and establishes
    legal liability for remediation. (Points: 1)

    Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

    Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

    Toxic Substances Control Act

    Electronic Waste Recycling Act

    3. Computer Manufacturing Company, Inc. intentionally designs its computer
    products to become non-useful five years after purchase. This is an example of: (Points: 1)


    planned obsolescence.


    I.S.O. 14000.

    4. A goal in managing municipal solid waste is to: (Points: 1)

    reduce emphasis on recycling.

    increase landfill usage.

    minimize toxicity.

    eliminate the generation of solid waste.

    5. Big Corporation transports and stores hazardous waste for its clients, who
    generate that waste. Big Corporation itself does not generate the hazardous
    waste. Which of the following statements is true, pursuant to R.C.R.A.? (Points: 1)

    Big Corporation must obtain a permit from the generator of the hazardous waste.

    Big Corporation is not permitted to store any hazardous waste for more than 30 days.

    Big Corporation must track and report on its interaction with the hazardous waste.

    Big Corporation is exempt from R.C.R.A. requirements, because it is not a generator of hazardous waste.

    6. The United Nations has pursued the following goals related to population growth
    and development, except: (Points: 1)

    universal education.

    reduction of infant and child mortality.

    strict policies to enforce fewer children per family.

    access to reproductive services.

    7. Basic economic measures indicate that the standard of living in Honduras is
    below that of the United States. This is an example of the differences between the: (Points: 1)

    north and the south.

    east and the west.

    most developed countries.

    least developed countries.

    8. According to the World Bank, an entity that is not affiliated with a state
    government, and pursues activities to relieve suffering, promotes the interests
    of the poor, protects the environment, provides basic social services, or
    undertakes community development is: (Points: 1)

    the modern state system.

    a multilateral non-binding agreement.

    a non-governmental organization.

    an intergovernmental organization.

    9. British Petroleum, which is one of the world’s largest companies with
    facilities in many different countries, is an example of: (Points: 1)

    an intergovernmental organization.

    a non-governmental organization.

    a non-profit organization.

    a transnational corporation.

    10. The 1992 Earth Summit: (Points: 1)

    was largely symbolic and failed to generate international interest.

    had several measurable outcomes.

    was attended by only the most developed countries.

    did not address sustainability.

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