Final paper

    1. Which artist is best known for his/her drawings and paintings of flowers.

    a)      Degas

    b)      Picasso

    c)      Rembrandt

    d)     O’Keeffe

    2. An artist might draw parallel lines closely together to create shade in a drawing. This is rereferred to as:

    a)        value-adding

    b)        blanching

    c)        blending

    d)       hatching

    3. When an artist places parallel lines closely together to create shade in a drawing, it is referred to as _______.

    a)      hatching

    b)      valuing

    c)      blending

    d)     blanching

    4. Charles White used the technique of _______ to give the figure in Preacher a feeling of figural mass.

    a)      Hatching

    b)      Pixilating

    c)      Pastel

    d)     linear perspective

    5. Some artists prefer to create images using only ink. These ink drawings share many of the same qualities of water color images. When an artist uses water to thin the ink, this is called ________.

    a)      a gouache

    b)      a Persepolis

    c)      a chiaroscuro

    d)     a wash

    6. To create Guernica, a monumental painting depicting the horrors of war, ______________made many preliminary sketches.

    a)      Vincent van Gogh

    b)      Pablo Picasso

    c)      Henri Matisse

    d)     Judith Murray

    7. Drawings done with ink thinned with water and executed with a brush are referred to as ______.

    a)      wet brush

    b)      watercolors

    c)      washes

    d)     wet media

    8. According to the text, the three purposes of drawing are: to record, to _______, and to make a finished artwork.

    a)      Sketch

    b)      study

    c)      notate

    d)     memorize

    9. Conte crayon is made from:

    a)      graphite mixed with wax

    b)      graphite mixed with clay

    c)      clay mixed with wax

    d)     wax mixed with pigment

    10. Dry media includes all of the following: pastel, charcoal, pencil and ____________

    a)      Ink

    b)      conte crayon

    c)      tempera

    d)     wax

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