Final Only the Most highly recommended teachers please 2 of a 2 part assignment

    The Genesis Energy operations management team nearing completion of its agreement with Sensible Essentials was asked by senior management to present a capital plan for the operating expansion. The capital plan was not to be a wish list but an analysis of the necessary expenditures to successfully establish a fully equipped operating facility overseas.
    In addition senior management requested meaningful financial and operating metrics to ensure that the performance objectives for the facility were being met. The operations management team was given five days to accomplish the following:
    Part I
    Following the example of the operations management team do the following:
    Your complete report should include all of your calculations as appendices (5 pages or 1 page for each project).
    Part IIExecutive Summary Presentation
    Because of limited resources in an era of plentiful opportunities companies must carefully select investments. You analyzed Genesis Energys expansion plans and explained your findings inM4: Assignment 1.
    This assignment is based on those findings. In this assignment you will create a PowerPoint presentation that will include the following information:
    Develop a 1012-slide presentation in PowerPoint format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A2.ppt.
    Both the Genesis Energy and Sensible Essentials teams believe that the client engagement was very successful. All the critical learning tools were fully explored. However the operations management team believes there were several topics that were not covered but are important to their respective disciplines. These topics centered primarily on selecting/developing meaningful and rational measurements of performance as they relate to measuring the success of the companys expansion strategy. The financial indicators are important but the team is also concerned about more forward-looking measures that might reflect product quality customer satisfaction internal process efficiency performance and perhaps other strategic indicators.
    Based on your understanding of the concepts covered in this course address the following:

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