Fin 101 – research project 50 pages Capital cost

    The Research Project will be between 50 to 70 pages; 12 point size; Times New Roman Font. It consists of three main parts – preliminaries text and supplementary pages. Each part is be organized as shown below: 1. Preliminaries: Title page (required) Abstract (required) only one abstract allowed Acknowledgments (optional) only one acknowledgments page allowed Preface (optional) Table of Contents (required) List of Tables (optional) List of Figures (optional) List of Symbols (optional) List of Keywords (optional) Other Preliminaries (optional) such as Definition of Terms 2. Text The text of the project features an- Introduction Review of Literature Research Methodology Analysis and Interpretation of Data Summary of the Findings and Conclusion Besides these several chapters sections and subsections. Text may also include parenthetical references footnotes or references to the bibliography or end notes. 3. Supplementary References or bibliography Appendices (optional) Glossary (optional) List of Abbreviations (optional)

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