Film “Killing us Softly”

    Film “Killing us Softly”
    Film Reaction:
    Please answer one of the following prompts with as much detail as possible. A well-written essay will
    demonstrate mastery of concepts presented in the film, your textbook ("Sociology the essentials 7th edition") and discussed in class and
    relevance to both sociological inquiry and your personal life. Essays should be no shorter than four
    full-length pages and typed in no larger than 12 fonts and double-spaced. Ensure that you write in
    both a grammatically correct manner and alignment and spacing utilized are in accordance with
    standard academic custom. Note that you do not need to utilize outside information; however if you
    do choose to utilize outside sources (including articles under discussion), please ensure that you cite
    in accordance to a standard academic format (eg. Mills, 22 or Berger, 15). The paper is due
    Wednesday, June 19th 2013 by 11:59 pm in the Assignment Dropbox. Plagiarism or other forms of
    academic dishonesty will not be tolerated.
    In the film ?Killing us Softly? Jean Kilbourne addresses the relationship between advertising and the
    construction of both mens? and women?s? images in our society. Discuss the main points of the
    documentary and how it is substantiated, making sure that you keenly explore the relationship
    between advertising, media, gender socialization and the objectification of women. Explain why she
    thinks, ?men and women inhabit different worlds,? and apply the information on gender
    socialization (pages 256-263), pornography and sexualization of culture (pages 291-296) and Charles
    Horton Cooley?s theory of ?the looking glass self? to the major themes in the documentary.


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