Film Critique Guidelines

    You are required to write a 5-7 page (double spaced, reference page additional) film critique on one of the films shown via Blackboard (see “Videos”). You will briefly synthesize the arguments of the film you have selected and then offer a thoughtful, critical, developed response by applying at least 2 concepts or quotations from the course reading(s).

    In order to do well in this assignment, you must address the following:

    I. Summary of Film’s Main Ideas and Arguments
    Summarize the major points of the film here.

    II. Analysis and Critique (Most of your paper should focus on this section)
    What do I think about the argument(s) the film is making? What significance do I find in them? Are there points I agree and/or disagree with the film? On what grounds? How clearly, adequately and effectively did the film set out its message?

    I would like you to relate the film to our class material in some way. Whether a concept or quotation, it is up to you to make a connection or link to something we have been discussing thus far. Please use at least 2 concepts or quotations from our readings and cite your sources and use examples to illustrate the connections. Make sure to boldface the concepts and/or quotations used in the paper. Please include in-text citations to show where the concepts or quotations came from and a reference page (APA or MLA format).

    Make sure to format your paper to 12-point Times New Roman, 1-inch margins.

    This is the link for the film

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