Female ‘angel of mercy’ serial killers

    Each student will be required to prepare a scholarly paper for the completion of this course.  This paper will be three (3) to five (5) pages in length.  It must be typed double-spaced and in 12 point font. Do not put your paper in any type of folder, simply have a cover page. Reference citations for this paper need to be APA structured. This paper should be grammatically and structurally correct.
    This paper will be a psycho-social profile of an offender.  This is not a clinical definition from the DSM-IV (R).    It should include, but not limited to such information as sibling-ranking within the family structure, parents vocations, highest level of education, socio-economic status and documented childhood trauma, type of vocation of the offender, etc., etc.
    Each paper is evaluated by (1) Content, (2) structure and (3) use of scholarly reference sources.  The use of internet reference sources should be extremely limited.

    The topics for the Profiling Paper are listed below. Select only one topic and be consice in outlining your profile for the choosen offender. Include a description of the offenders, gender (if appropriate) age range, birth order with siblings, social economic level, educational level, IQ, previous criminal history, occupational area, whether the offender is asocial or non-social and why, ethnicity, race, etc. etc………

    Female ‘angel of mercy’ serial killers
    Female ‘black widow’ serial killers
    Male ‘visionary’ serial killers
    Male hedonistic serial killers
    Suicide by cop
    Female white collar criminals
    Women who kill their children
    Sociopathic women
    Celebrity stalkers
    Revenge stalkers
    Male ‘mission’ serial killer
    Female political terrorists
    Female religious terrorists
    Women that kidnap infants
    Male bank robbers


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