Feedback on ‘When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Parts

    This is a very simple assignment. I am going to send you three people’s comments about the video called ‘When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Parts’. The only thing that you will need to complete for me that is giving feedback (around 100 words per comment) to EACH of these comments, and you can just give your feedback under each comment.

    1st comment:

    The first sentence of Kanye’s that I find the most powerful is his simple statement ‘George Bush doesn’t care about black people.’ I think it is obvious why he said it since as we find out in the film, it took Bush TWO WEEKS before he finally got down to New Orleans. In the mean time, Bush was doing conferences and had his focus on Iraq. When asked by reporters about why it took so long (about 5 days after the hurricane) for government organizations such as FEMA to get to New Orleans, their response was they were not aware of the severity and circumstances of the conditions. That response just goes to show that New Orleans and it’s people were not a priority. The whole country and other parts of the world were aware of the situation and taking action, there is no way our own government wasn’t aware of what was happening, especially when they were forewarned. I think there is something to that it was primarily poor black people effected. I wonder if this was to happen in a rich white area, how much faster response and help would have came.
    I remember the amount of both praise and hate that came from Kanye’s comment. As Kanye says in his interview, he knew he would speak from his heart, not just the teleprompter. His response to the reaction of his statement was, ‘Don’t put me in front of the camera if you don’t want me to say how I feel.’ He shows that when something happens like this hurricane, and it hits home for you, and you feel passionate about it, that making your feelings heard is important. I liked that Kanye said he wasn’t concerned about record sales and losing sponsorships, which he did end up losing some. He just put himself in the Katrina Victims’ shoes and let his voice and the frustrations of many people be heard.

    2nd comment:

    I think ultimately watching the film, Kanye’s comment of ‘Bush doesn’t care about black people’ was really just a reflection of how the people truly felt. To go through such an intense storm and to have basically minimal help and attention in your specific neighborhood, would make you feel like people don’t care. As the film mentioned it took 2 weeks for serious aid to come to New Orleans. Kanye’s comment was really just an honest observation of how Katrina was being handled, he rightfully used his air time to make that comment. Although he said he had planned to stick to the teleprompter with Mike Meyers, he obviously had a moment and just spoke from the heart.
    His comment, although it upset many, was in coming from the right place. Although Kanye is commonly known to just rant, I think this particular interview shows that he was trying to keep with the program but eventually just couldn’t. However despite all the backlash he got for the comment I think he made the right decision to say that. It was as if he was speaking for the individuals in Katrina, who weren’t getting a whole lot of air time.

    3rd comment:

    Kanye says that he had no intention of breaking script when heading into the media room with Mike Myers. He had planned to stay on track with what he was suppose to say, however part way through he felt that he was not being hear felt or sincere. That is when he broke from the script and said, ‘George Bush doesn’t care about black people’. This shows exactly who Kanye West is. When closely looking into this comment we can see the validity and true Kanye. It made him relatable and human to many individuals. He said something without care of who he was associated with or the fact that he is a celebrity, rather he used that to his advantage to make such an obvious thing heard.
    Many people wanted to say what Kanye did, but did not have the ambition or audacity. Kanye West has been an individual to rant what is on his mind. This shows true through today, he believes what he has to say needs to be heard and sometimes, like this case, a lot of others are thinking it too. Using his leverage and his resources he is able to make such comments and be heard by the masses.
    Kanye knew he did something ‘wrong’ and unscripted. He went to the bar across the street after the comment was made, like a dog with his tale between his legs. He felt that it might be his last drink with Mike Myers or in that case anybody of his status. He knew he was going to make many people upset, but more importantly Kanye West knew he was the voice of so many others who were in need. He said he made this comment out of emotion of thinking of himself in the hurricane Katrina victims positions. He knew he would be livid and outraged, so he did not want them to be silenced. Therefore, he made his remark for them, to them, and in support of all black victims.

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