Fareed Zakaria’s The Rise of Illiberal Democracy.

    Fareed Zakaria’s The Rise of Illiberal Democracy.

    Available on WebCt and online
    Write a 5 to 7 page paper
    Times New Roman 12 point font double spaced. Cite all sources and all paraphrasing. You need to bring a hard copy to class, and submit an electronic copy to safe assign to check for plagiarism.
    Summarize the article (about 2 pages). Define democracy from the article, liberalism, and illiberalism. Compare and contrast a Liberal Democracy and an Illiberal Democracy. Why does illiberal democracy lead to civil war and genocide? Why do Liberal Democracies avoid civil war? How does a liberal autocracy lead to a liberal democracy (look at what is currently happening in Egypt). Do not use Wikipedia for these definitions, in fact, there is no reason to use any outside sources on this first section. I am looking for you to be able to explain in your own words what these concepts mean.
    Next look at what Zakaria has said about the rise of Democracy and Liberalism coinciding with each other in the formation of our government. Do you agree with Zakaria, did liberalism and democracy go hand in hand with the writing of our Constitution? Which came first in the United States, democracy, or liberalism? Give examples of both from our Constitution. Research and discuss the events of the Civil Rights Movement (about 2 pages) and Women’s Suffrage movement (about 2 pages) fully explaining how liberalism and democracy affected these movements. What rights and liberties did women and minorities have in these movements, and what rights and liberties were being denied them?


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