Family issues and intervention

    Create a genogram of your family, a family you know, or a fictitious family. Be sure not to include any self identifying information. Create at least three levels in the genogram. You may use the GenoPro software to create your genogram. If you decide to use the software, you must take a screenshot of your genogram and copy and paste it into a Word document so that you are able to submit it. You may also choose to draw your genogram, scan it and save it as a PDF so that you are able to submit it.

    Each of the following must be presented in bold with citations within the paper and reference. I would like you to use a black family of sibling living today 5 ages 58 and below.
    Identify and discuss any patterns (addictions, mental issues, etc.) in the genogram you see.
    What did you learn about this process?

    Satir, V, 1964
    Donohue, B, and A. K. (2001) Family behavior therapy


    One thing I would like is please be sure to fill in the genogram and save it so as if I can change things within it.
    How helpful would this be when working with clients?

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