Factors which contribute to violence, definition of violence, findings of NTVS study, learning effects, fear effects, desensitization, catharsis, disinhibition, social learning, cultivation, fear, modeling, bobo doll studies, interactive factors, sensitization, interventions

    (Note: This list is NOT all inclusive of things you might be tested on, but is reflective of the
    main ideas discussed in class and in the reading. The best way to study is to generate a one
    or two word sentence definition of each term and an example in your own words.)
    Mass Mediated Sex and Violence 1: factors which contribute to violence, definition of
    violence, findings of NTVS study, learning effects, fear effects, desensitization, catharsis,
    disinhibition, social learning, cultivation, fear, modeling, bobo doll studies, interactive factors,
    sensitization, interventions

    Mass Mediated Sex and Violence 2: erotica, pornography, “other” definitions of Porn,
    moralist/traditionalist, liberalist, feminist, evolutionary psychologist, 1970 commission summary
    findings, 1986 commission summary findings; does sex or violence lead to rape; final
    pornography conclusions, obscenity law/Miller test, O’Brien test, history of sex in the media,
    media sex today, arousal, attitudes and values, sex and violence, pornographic slasher movies,
    rape myth, science and politics
    Stereotyping in the Mass Media 1: origin and use of stereotypes, mammy, coon, pickanniny,
    brute, sapphire, uncle tom, minstrel, sambo, brute, sapphire, non-recognition, ridicule, regulation,
    respect, portrayals of the following: men, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Arabs, Elderly,
    Gays and Lesbians, Disabled
    Stereotyping in the Mass Media 2: Images of African Americans, Latinos, & Women,
    definition and function of stereotypes, dissociation model, chronic activation, automatic
    association, discursive practices/typology, cognitive resources, frequent stereotype activation,
    news effects studies conclusions, priming, racial differences in consumption of TV, racial
    differences (e.g., Black versus White) in perceptions of the veracity of TV programming
    Music and mass Media Effects: Fried findings, Dixon et al. findings, Conrad et al. findings,
    Johnson et al. findings, interpretive community, polysemic, inter-textuality, third-person effect,
    dominant ideology, oppositional reading, taste public, meta-genre, afrocentric features, collective
    self-esteem, cultural lens

    Children and Media Effects: cognitive development theory, assimilation, accommodation,
    sensorimotor, preoperational (perceptual dependency, egocentrism, animism), concrete
    operational (conceptual thought, role taking), formal operational, criticism of cognitive
    development theory, information processing theory, attention, popular (passive) theory of
    attention, theory of active attention; program length commercials, host-selling, disclaimers,
    premium offers, regulation of children’s advertising; cognitive theory of multimedia learning
    (CTML), capacity model, three facets of early learning model
    Media Literacy and Prosocial Media: sponge-minded viewer, critical minded viewer, two
    components of media literacy, third-person effect, deconstruction, embedded values, cumulative
    messages, affective strategies; altruism, self-control, direct educational benefit, effects of Sesame
    Street, effects of Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood, effects of Freestyle, effects of Electric Company,
    opposition to prosocial TV; prosocial children’s TV, prosocial adult TV, social marketing,
    campaigns, public health, intervention, downstream and upstream marketing
    New Media and Online Technology: new media characteristics, critical mass, segmentation,
    fragmentation, stages of fragmentation, new dimensions of audience, audience analysis model

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