Face-to-face Versus Computer-mediated Communication in the workplace

    – I am in face-to-face communication side (although we are in the era of technology, it is still important and more effective in a way). Show my tendency through the

    following points only if POSSIBLE, please. Or you could provide a general unbiased view if it was hard to show the tendency.

    – Use the story in the link attached as an attention getter in the introduction. Use the first quotation in the video also as it seems interesting.

    – Generate three joint main points from the three articles I will send.

    – Then support the main point with sub points, which again support it with evidence from the 3 different articles (under each main point minimum 2 evidences from two different articles, to show that the whole thing is interrelated)

    – For conclusion, add a clincher to get the reader attention. It could be an interesting question in which it will keep the reader thinking about the issue or something. Or a call of action, like if the topic was about benefits of eating fruits, a clincher could be: Do you know that 30% of all Emirate face the risk of getting obese which is; for every 3 people, 1 would have the risk and if you do not want to be one of them eat more fruits.

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