extra credit

    Only extra credit questions in HW1, HW2, and HW3.

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    CSCI 2215 | Databases | 13 Fall HW 1, Due: 09/25/13 Wednesday Please read the policies on plagiarism and on homework guidelines (in the course outline handed out on the rst day) and remember that I enforce these policies. The extra credit problems are to be done on separate sheets of paper and to be handed in the day of the nal exam. Quiz 1 (open book, open notes) will be on 10/02/13 Wednesday and will cover topics from the following list: Chapter 1: Introduction. Chapter 3: Relational Model, Chapter 4: SQL DDL Email submissions will not be accepted. You will need to buy at least 3 CD-ROMs; one for HW1, one for HW2, one for the course project. The library sometimes sells CD-ROMs. For Problem 2 and Problem 5, I have put on blackboard Premiere Products database as hw1database which you need to use for this problem; do not use the Premiere Products database inclass1 since that has been modied from the original. For Problem 2 and Problem 5, you can do the implementation in either Microsoft Access or another relational DBMS of your choice. If you are doing this in another DBMS, it is your responsibility to make sure you have the same tables, by either entering the same data yourself or by transforming the Access data. Also, if you are using another DBMS, please indicate clearly which DBMS you are using. 1. (15 points) Consider the following six relations for an order-processing database application in a company: CUSTOMER (CustId, Cname, City) ORDER (OrderId, OrdDate, CustId, OrdAmt) ORDERITEM (OrderId, ItemId, Qty) ITEM (ItemId, UnitPrice) SHIPMENT (OrderId, WarehouseId, ShipDate) WAREHOUSE (WarehouseId, City) OrdAmt refers to total dollar amount of an order; OrdDate is the date the order was placed; ShipDate is the date an order is shipped from the warehouse. A single order can be shipped from several warehouses. In a manner similar to Elmasri Figure 3.7, specify the primary keys (by underlining) and the foreign keys (by drawing arrows) in this relational schema. 2. (15…


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